Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tchau, Brasil

Eu vou sentir a falta do Brasil...

Fruit, over-confident/desperate men PSST-ing to get your attention, Brasilian obsession with Indian culture, gigantic ants, getting knocked out by caipirinhas, acarajé and other severely UN-healthy foods, dancing the night away until 5 am, not being able to understand Brasilians´ pronunciation of English, listening to American R&B music with Portuguese lyrics, living in a Havaiana/sandal world, eating jaw-droppingly good icecream, hiking one of the most beautiful views, being courageous by fashioning a Brasilian bikini at the beach, feeling goosebumps at the thrill of having connections/common ideals with people from a whole different continent/hemisphere/culture?

Tchau.. obrigada.. eu estou a caminho.

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