My plane rides were pretty uneventful (unlike the Rio-Houston plane on the same day?! ouch!) - although I sat next to some pretty interesting people...
*Recife --> Miami : there were a ton of Christian volunteers (sounded like they were from Southern U.S.) on the plane, which was pretty.. hm. An experience. I sat next to a mother and daughter who started arguing/crying/telling their whole divorce/relationship history on the plane.. BEFORE the plane even departed!! Let's just say that the plane ride was a pretty quiet 8 hours...
* Miami-->LA: sat next to a hair stylist from LA who had flown out to Miami just for the weekend, in order to work on a People magazine Bahama shoot?? I haven't seen the magazine yet (pssh... NOT an avid reader of celebrity gossip, haha!), but the hair stylist couldn't tell me who the celebrity was because of privacy issues with the magazine.. haha!
Being home.. was SO nice, yet made me miss Brazil. At home, I do admit that I was in HEAVEN with all the Asian food that I requested my father to get: dumplings, baos... and going to eat Thai food... YUMM! But, then again, in Brazil, I did basically have a never-ending supply of my favorite fruits.. haha..
[ Actually, one thing that I had a hard time breaking-habit-of / getting used to (in the US) was throwing my toilet paper into the toilet bowl.. aha! It's so weird not having a trash can right next to the toilet!]
I held a little photo-viewing party with my friends, and served fruit juices and coffee (with milk, of course! haha!) and grilled plantains (with cinnamon&sugar)... and even though we had about 3 hours together, there were still SO many things that I wish I could've said about Brazil - I've realized that even though so many things in Brazil seem so normal to me now ... they're still memories of Brazil that I'll never forget and I know I probably won't experience in any other location. Which makes me miss Brazil SO much. But, anyway, thanks to those friends who came over to my house to look at the photos with me - even though I'm a pretty bad story-teller and probably made the whole experience pretty boring, haha!
But, alas, I'm not at home right now! Well, that just depends on how you look at it, actually, because right now, I'm in Japan - which is kind of my second home - and actually, I was missing Japan more than LA when I was in Brazil. Although I really don't have any right to claim that I'm "Japanese" and "know" what it's like to actually live in Japan - I've found that culturally/socially, I respect/connect better to how it is in Japan. Perhaps I'll make more efforts to better my Japanese (my mom would like this, I'm sure.. haha!) so I can make my dream come true to live in Japan..
anyways. It's nice to be in a place where I'm comfortable. But I'm definitely going to miss Brazil just because I wasN'T in my most comfortable element. Part of learning, in general, is to be challenged - and unless you're put outside of your element, you're not going to know what it's like to be "on the other side of the fence," to learn that there's so much more than just your own little bubble where only YOU matter.
Obrigada para tudo.